The birds-of-paradise are the undisputed stars of our West Papua tour and arguably the most amazing amongst an amazing group is the incomparable Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise Photo: Susan Myers
The island of New Guinea is surely one of the most exciting birding destinations on Earth. The array of monarchs, honeyeaters, fruit-doves, kingfishers, and parrots are thrilling in their own right, but the otherworldly birds-of-paradise are without doubt the most superlative avian wonders to be found anywhere. Our tour of one of the world’s most biodiverse regions is not luxurious, but conditions have greatly improved over the last few years. It’s nothing like the uncomfortable challenge that it once was. Many local people have become involved in providing relatively comfortable birding experiences to foreign visitors, and the revenue from our visit directly helps conservation efforts in these very important bird havens.
We’ll explore the western half of New Guinea, a part of Indonesia, and in particular the provinces of Papua. Here we’ll encounter many species of bird-of-paradise which are unique to West Papua—birds such as Western Parotia, Vogelkop Lophorina, Long-tailed Paradigalla, and Red Bird-of-Paradise will surely get our pulses racing, but the amazing Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise is definitely the jewel in the crown.
We’ll explore five exceptionally bird-rich areas in West Papua. We’ll start on the small northern island of Biak, which harbors a startling twelve endemics, all of which we will hope to see. From there we’ll travel further east to the steamy lowland coastal area of Nimbokrang in search of local specialties such as Twelve-wired BoP, Papuan Nightjar and Pale-billed Sicklebill. Next stop is the Central Highlands where we’ll be based in the isolated town of Wamena in the cool highlands from where we’ll explore the legendary Baliem Valley, home to the Dani people and only discovered by the outside world in 1938. As we explore the forests over a varied altitudinal range, we’ll observe a fascinating array of unique wildlife, including the highly sought-after MacGregor’s Honeyeater, so fancy that until very recently it was thought to be a bird-of-paradise. In the remote Arfak Mountains, we’ll be based at a local village which has become a mecca for birders! The villagers have set up an amazing series of hides enabling close views of such spectacular birds as Western Parotia, Vogelkop and Masked Bowerbirds, and the stunning Black Sicklebill. Lastly we’ll spend time on the western island of Waigeo, home to a number of endemics including Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise.
Even seasoned birders who have explored the eastern half of New Guinea find West Papua thrilling. This region is home to over 300 New Guinea endemic species, including 25 birds-of-paradise. Remarkably, West Papua boasts seven endemic bird families. In short, it’s simply amazing.
Day 1: The tour begins this evening in the lobby of our hotel in Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Night in Jakarta.
Days 2-5: We’ll fly from Jakarta to the island of Biak in the Geelvink Bay, recently renamed Cenderawasih Bay (meaning “bird-of-paradise” in Indonesian). After a short drive to an area of secondary forest on the island’s east side, we’ll start our birding, concentrating mainly on the endemics: Biak Lorikeet, Biak Hooded Pitta, Biak Triller, Biak Black Flycatcher, and Biak White-eye. With determination, we should also find the secretive Biak Coucal, Biak Paradise Kingfisher, and the tiny Geelvink Pygmy Parrot. The scarcer endemics, Biak Gerygone, Biak Monarch, and Biak Leaf Warbler may require a bit more effort, but we’ll persevere. More common targets include Gurney’s Eagle, Great Cuckoo-Dove, Claret-breasted Fruit Dove, Black-winged Lory, Red-fronted Lorikeet, Hooded Butcherbird, Common Cicadabird, Shining Flycatcher, Long-tailed Starling, and Red-capped Flowerpecker. Biak also hosts a number of more widespread species represented by endemic subspecies; amongst them are Asian Emerald Dove, Spice Imperial Pigeon (sometimes split as Geelvink Imperial Pigeon), Northern Fantail, and Golden Monarch. Night in Biak.
Day 6: This morning we’ll take an early flight to Jayapura then transfer to Nimbokrang on the north coast of West Papua at the base of the Cyclops Mountains. This is a great area for lowland birding and several species of bird-of-paradise occur here, including Pale-billed Sicklebill and Lesser Bird-of-Paradise. Other possibilities include a chance to see the improbable Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise at its display tree. Night in Nimbokrang.
Days 7-8: We’ll bird along the famous Jalan Korea, a now unused logging track that provides access to excellent forest that is home to a number of localized species such as Western Black-capped Lory, Lowland Peltops, Buff-faced Pygmy Parrot, White-eared Catbird, Brown-headed Crow, Jobi Manucode, and—requiring special effort and good luck—Shovel-billed Kingfisher. For species such as Northern Cassowary and Brown-collared Brush-turkey, we’ll take side trips off the road on trails into the swamp forest. On a road in the foothills south of Nimbokrang, an entirely different set of birds can be found, including Zoe Imperial Pigeon, Salvadori’s Fig-Parrot, Yellow-bellied Longbill, Green-backed Gerygone, and Golden Myna, while Papuan Nightjar can often be seen from the road at dusk. Further along the road as we drop down into a valley, we have a chance to find Victoria-crowned Pigeon, as well as Blue Jewel-babbler and Hooded Monarch. In the forest behind our accommodation, there are known sites for King Bird-of-Paradise and with luck, maybe even Vulturine Parrot, which is every bit as impressive as its name suggests. Nights in Nimbokrang.
Day 9: This morning we’ll return to Jayapura for our flight to Wamena, the largest town in the Baliem Valley in the central highlands of Papua. Upon arrival we’ll check into our hotel, then proceed by four-wheel-drive vehicles into the Baliem Valley at the base of the Snow Mountains. Traveling along winding roads, we’ll stop frequently to search the impressive forest for the many unique and special birds that inhabit this remote corner of the world. Later in the evening, we’ll return to Wamena, our base for the next three nights. Night in Wamena.
Days 10-11: Against the backdrop of Mount Trikora—at more than 15,000 feet elevation, one of the highest mountains in the region—we’ll spend the next three days birding the gorgeous high-altitude grasslands surrounding Lake Habbema. One of our most-hoped-for targets will be the remarkable MacGregor’s Honeyeater, formerly thought to be a bird-of-paradise. The huge Snow Mountain Quail can often be flushed from the grasslands, as we walk in search of Snow Mountain Munia, Mountain Firetail, and Alpine Pipit. As we bird on foot or by car, we may encounter both Sooty and Short-bearded Melidectes, Orange-cheeked Honeyeaters, and Lorentz’s Whistlers in the alpine brush. The scarce, high-altitude Salvadori’s Teal can be found on the lakeshore, and at dusk we’ll be on the lookout for displaying New Guinea Woodcock and perhaps even the rare Archbold’s Nightjar.
We’ll also take the vehicles down to lower altitudes to search for a whole set of different birds including New Guinea Logrunner, Lesser Melampitta, and Lesser Ground Robin. As we descend, we’ll notice marked changes in the avifauna, so even lower down the road we may find such beauties as Splendid Astrapia, Brown Sicklebill, Black Sittella, Loria’s Satinbird, Garnet Robin, Crested Berrypecker, Rufous-naped Bellbird, Papuan Treecreeper, Rufous-throated Bronze Cuckoo, Brehm’s Tiger Parrot, Mountain Mouse-Warbler, Black-breasted Boatbills, and many more. Nights in Wamena.
Day 12: This morning we’ll take an early flight from Wamena to Jayapura where we’ll overnight but we’ll spend the afternoon exploring the grasslands and the northern shore of picturesque Lake Sentani, where we’ll look for Fawn-breasted Bowerbird and Grand and Hooded Munias. We may also find Brown Quail, Buff-banded Rail, and Rufous-tailed Bush-hen on the roadsides, while Dusky Moorhen and Comb-crested Jacana can be seen on the lakeshore. Channel-billed Cuckoo, Rainbow Bee-eater, Dollarbird, Pacific Swallow, Tree Martin, White-bellied Cuckooshrike, and White-breasted Woodswallow can often be seen flying around while Pied Bush-chat, Papuan Grassbird, Golden-headed Cisticola, White-shouldered Fairy-wren, Scrub Honeyeater, and Chestnut-breasted Munia have made the grasslands their home. Night in Sentani
Day 13: We’ll take an early flight to Manokwari on the northwest coast of the island of New Guinea and drive directly into the Arfak Mountains—a drive of about two hours. We’ll drop our luggage off at our forest lodge—a very simple but comfortable and clean affair set in lush, epiphyte-laden cloud forest with incredible birding right on our doorstep. After a tasty lunch prepared by the local ladies, we’ll don our birding gear and head up the road for our first looks at some Arfak endemics, including the remarkable Vogelkop Bowerbird with its impressively and colorfully decorated bower. Bronze Ground Dove sometimes comes into the bower, and forest birds such as Rufescent Imperial Pigeon, Yellow-billed Lorikeets, Blue-collared Parrot, White-eared Bronze Cuckoo, Grey-green Scrubwren, White-rumped Robin, Hooded Pitohui, Olive-crowned Flowerpecker, Black-fronted White-eye, Rufous-sided Honeyeater, and Mountain Meliphaga can be seen near the lodge or along the roadsides. Night in Mokwam.
Days 14-16: We’ll spend the next three days exploring the trails and roadsides for the many Arfak specialties. The local people have in recent years put a great deal of effort into making their amazing birdlife more accessible to visitors. Well-kept trails will lead us to a number of strategically placed hides where we’ll wait for and observe the highly sought-after endemics, including Black Sicklebill and Western Parotia, as well as the recently split Vogelkop Lophorina (formerly called Superb Bird-of-Paradise). We’ll station ourselves at these various hides to observe the bowerbird attending his bower, the sicklebill and lophorina showing off their remarkable displays, and the parotia spinning in its whirling-dervish dance.
There are a host of other exciting birds in the area, and with luck we may find the scarce and exotically named Long-tailed Paradigalla, another bird-of-paradise. The area is well represented by whistlers with Dwarf, Sclater’s, and the endemic Vogelkop all possible. Vogelkop Catbirds sometimes come into the bird-of-paradise dance grounds but are soon detected by their meowing calls. Black Monarch, the rather plain but endemic Vogelkop Scrubwren, Black Pitohui, and Red-breasted Pygmy Parrot are all also possible, as is the more secretive, ground-dwelling Spotted Jewel-babbler. Our local guide is highly skilled at tracking down both the Feline and Vogelkop Owlet-Nightjars, so we’ll have our fingers crossed for sightings of these remarkable nightbirds.
Around our lodge, we’ll have a good chance of seeing Orange-crowned Fairywren and Smoky and Ashy Robins, and attractive Tit Berrypeckers can sometimes be found in fruiting bushes. Along the roadside Western Smoky Honeyeater, as well as another type of honeyeater—the Melidectes, represented by Cinnamon-browed and the endemic Vogelkop—can be seen. Nights in Mokwam.
Day 17: After morning birding to conclude our stay in this lush forest, we’ll head back to the city of Manokwari in preparation for our early flight tomorrow. En route we’ll stop to search for Masked Bowerbird, a recent split from Flame Bowerbird, that favors lower elevations closer to the city. Night in Manokwari.
Day 18: We’ll take the morning flight to Sorong and transfer to the ferry for our short trip over to the island of Waigeo, which lies just north of the tip of the Vogelkop (Bird’s Head) Peninsula. Depending on the ferry schedule, we should have plenty of time to commence our birding explorations. Night in Waisai.
Days 19-20: Waigeo is home to one of the world’s most amazing birds, Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise. Again, thanks to the efforts of a number of smart local farmers, we can visit rainforest hides that allow close-up views of the male busy at work, attracting females to his dancing grounds. It’s truly an unforgettable experience! While we watch the birds-of-paradise, we may be distracted by trilling Common Paradise Kingfishers and pretty Black-sided Robins.
An added bonus is the Red Bird of Paradise, endemic to the islands of Batanta and Waigeo, and we can watch them displaying early in the morning from viewing hides constructed high in a tree, allowing literally a bird’s eye view!
Other birds that we may see include the shy Pheasant Pigeon, and with luck, we may find one foraging on the forest floor. Along the roadsides we’ll keep an eye overhead for Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeons—feeding high in fruiting trees—Pygmy Eagle, Great-billed Parrot, and Torresian Crow amongst others. Lower down in the thick forest the endemic Raja Ampat Pitohui, belonging to a group of birds with poisonous feathers, is happily common. Other mid-level birds include the Pale-billed Scrubwren, Frilled Monarch, Grey Whistler, Puff-backed Meliphaga, and Tawny-breasted and Spotted Honeyeaters while Yellow-capped Pygmy Parrot can sometimes be seen working the tree trunks like a nuthatch or a creeper. On the forest floor we may spy Dusky Megapode and Papuan Pitta. It’s also highly likely that we’ll find the very cute Waigeo Cuscus, a bear-like opossum, on the grounds of our accommodation. Nights in Waisai.
Day 21-22: We’ll take the midday ferry back to Sorong, and later in the afternoon we’ll visit an area of mangroves close to the city in search of the gorgeous Blue-black Kingfisher, as well as Black Thicket-Fantail. Other possibilities here include Spotted Whistling Duck, Orange-fronted Fruit Dove, Collared Imperial Pigeon, Lesser Black Coucal, Orange-breasted Fig Parrot, Brown-backed Honeyeater, Large-billed Gerygone, White-bellied Cuckooshrike, and Willie Wagtail. Night in Sorong.
Day 23: We’ll leave our lodging early to explore a stretch of hilly lowland forest close to Sorong. If we failed to see it at Nimbokrang, we’ll start by looking for the amazing Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise, which with luck we may see displaying at dawn. We’ll keep a look out for the endemic Black Lory and make an effort to find the attractive-but-shy Red-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher. The long list of spectacular birds here also includes Long-tailed Honey Buzzard, Pink-spotted Fruit Dove, Dwarf Koel, Long-billed Cuckoo, Moustached Treeswift, Hook-billed Kingfisher, Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, Yellow-billed Kingfisher, impressive Blyth’s Hornbill, and Palm Cockatoo. Coconut Lorikeet commonly zip raucously overhead, as the harsh calls of Red-cheeked and Eclectus Parrots announce their presence. If we hear Eastern Hooded Pitta, we’ll station ourselves in place to get a glimpse of this ground-dwelling gem. The appropriately named Emperor Fairywren can be seen flitting amongst thick undergrowth while a rich diversity of the Meliphagidae can also be found, represented by Streak-headed and Tawny-breasted Honeyeaters, New Guinea Friarbird, and Long-billed, Mimic, and Yellow-gaped Meliphagas. Night in Sorong.
Day 24: We’ll return to Sorong around midday for our onward flights to Denpasar, Bali, and to Jakarta, where the tour concludes.
Updated: 22 August 2024
- 2025 Price Not Yet Available
- (2024 Tour Price $13,990)
- 2026 Price Not Yet Available
Questions? Tour Manager: Greg Greene. Call 1-866-547-9868 (US or Canada) or (01) 520-320-9868 or click here to email.
* Tour invoices paid by check carry a 4% discount. Details here.
This tour is limited to eight participants with one leader and local guides.
We realize that this tour is more expensive than many of our tour offerings and that you may wonder why this is. In our experience, the more remote a tour is, the higher the ground costs – while West Papua has become a much more comfortable destination in recent years, it is still off the beaten track.
Our tour price includes 8 internal flights, starting with the group travel from Jakarta to West Papua at the start and returning to Jakarta at the end of the tour.