Australia: Victoria and Tasmania

Plains-wanderer, Pardalotes, and Penguins

We’ll start our tour around the cosmopolitan city of Melbourne, where Laughing Kookaburras...
We’ll start our tour around the cosmopolitan city of Melbourne, where Laughing Kookaburras...
...dazzling Rainbow Lorikeets...
...dazzling Rainbow Lorikeets...
...Splendid Fairy-wrens...
...Splendid Fairy-wrens...
...and perky Red-browed Finches will be our introductions to Australian birdlife.
...and perky Red-browed Finches will be our introductions to Australian birdlife.
For our first full day we’ll head to the extensive wetlands of Werribee, where a wealth of waterfowl like Chestnut Teal...
For our first full day we’ll head to the extensive wetlands of Werribee, where a wealth of waterfowl like Chestnut Teal...
...and Fairy Terns might be joined by...
...and Fairy Terns might be joined by...
...Australian Spotted Crake or...
...Australian Spotted Crake or...
...Buff-banded Rails lurking around the reedbeds.
...Buff-banded Rails lurking around the reedbeds.
A side trip to some nearby parks might reveal Long-billed Corellas in the fields...
A side trip to some nearby parks might reveal Long-billed Corellas in the fields...
...a Powerful Owl on its day roost, or even...
...a Powerful Owl on its day roost, or even...
...a Koala perched up in a gum tree.
...a Koala perched up in a gum tree.
Near our base for the next two days at Healesville...
Near our base for the next two days at Healesville...
,,,adjacent to large blocks of protected temperate rain forest...
,,,adjacent to large blocks of protected temperate rain forest...
...we should encounter our first Satin Bowerbirds...
...we should encounter our first Satin Bowerbirds...
...punk but cute Gang-gang Cockatoos...
...punk but cute Gang-gang Cockatoos...
...metallic Common Bronzewings and hopefully...
...metallic Common Bronzewings and hopefully...
...Superb Lyrebirds stalking the picnic areas in the early morning.
...Superb Lyrebirds stalking the picnic areas in the early morning.
Parrots like Crimson Rosella and...
Parrots like Crimson Rosella and...
...Sulphur-crested Cockatoo can be remarkably tame here.
...Sulphur-crested Cockatoo can be remarkably tame here.
A night trip out might reveal gliders, possums, owls or even a passing Wombat.
A night trip out might reveal gliders, possums, owls or even a passing Wombat.
Then we’ll head north towards the agricultural valleys surrounding Chiltern...
Then we’ll head north towards the agricultural valleys surrounding Chiltern...
...where our comfortable hotel offers...
...where our comfortable hotel offers...
...close access to the adjacent National Forest, with its Turquoise Parrots...
...close access to the adjacent National Forest, with its Turquoise Parrots... well as a drabber species with one of the most whimsical bird names, Jacky Winter... well as a drabber species with one of the most whimsical bird names, Jacky Winter...
...perhaps even an inquisitive Echidna.
...perhaps even an inquisitive Echidna.
The mallee forests around Deniliquin will offer...
The mallee forests around Deniliquin will offer...
...Superb Parrot...
...Superb Parrot...
...Regent Parrots seeking out nesting cavities...
...Regent Parrots seeking out nesting cavities...
...while Apostlebirds shuffle around the hedgerows.
...while Apostlebirds shuffle around the hedgerows.
With some luck we might spot our first Tawny Frogmouth, or...
With some luck we might spot our first Tawny Frogmouth, or...
...Australian Owlet-Nightjar peering down from the trees.
...Australian Owlet-Nightjar peering down from the trees.
The fields around town shelter Emu by day...
The fields around town shelter Emu by day...
...and the unique Plains-Wanderer by night.
...and the unique Plains-Wanderer by night.
We’ll then visit some of the large mallee and desert parks in NW Victoria...
We’ll then visit some of the large mallee and desert parks in NW Victoria...
...perhaps finding Malleefowl along the way...
...perhaps finding Malleefowl along the way...
...or such beautiful birds as Variegated Fairywren while...
...or such beautiful birds as Variegated Fairywren while...
...seeking out harder to find  if less spectacular birds like Southern Scrub-Robin.
...seeking out harder to find if less spectacular birds like Southern Scrub-Robin.
As we reach the south coast the birds will change again...
As we reach the south coast the birds will change again...
...with Pied Oystercatchers and...
...with Pied Oystercatchers and...
...the endangered and striking Hooded Plover on the coast...
...the endangered and striking Hooded Plover on the coast...
...and Rufous Bristlebirds lurking in the coastal heath.
...and Rufous Bristlebirds lurking in the coastal heath.
The next day we'll fly to Tasmania and then take a ferry out to Bruny Island...
The next day we'll fly to Tasmania and then take a ferry out to Bruny Island...
...where the scenery is nothing short of spectacular.
...where the scenery is nothing short of spectacular.
Black-faced Cormorants are often at the docks to greet us...
Black-faced Cormorants are often at the docks to greet us...
...and our base for the next few nights is spectacular.
...and our base for the next few nights is spectacular.
We’ll take picnic  lunches that will allow for full days in the field.
We’ll take picnic lunches that will allow for full days in the field.
Tasmanian Native Hens are impressive beasts...
Tasmanian Native Hens are impressive beasts...
...and the extraordinary male Pink Robins...
...and the extraordinary male Pink Robins...
...Beautiful Firetails...
...Beautiful Firetails...
...and shockingly large-billed Pacific Gulls are in their own way equally impressive.
...and shockingly large-billed Pacific Gulls are in their own way equally impressive.
Photo credit: Gavin Bieber
Sep 16 to Oct 3 2026
Tour Price to be Determined
Tour Price to be Determined
This tour is limited to eight participants with one leader.
Tour balances paid by check/bank transfer may carry a 4% discount

Our southeastern Australia tour passes through a wide variety of habitats and climates. The Victoria countryside may seem reassuringly familiar after two centuries of European settlement, but the birds that inhabit it are anything but. Large flocks of parrots feed along the highways and multicolored fairy-wrens and honeyeaters fill the woods, while kangaroos graze in the paddocks and Echidnas shuffle in the understory of giant eucalyptus trees. The area around Deniliquin in southern New South Wales seems much wilder, on the edge of the outback, and is home to major ornithological attractions, including the almost mythical Plains-wanderer. The Mallee around Little Desert National Park hosts the stately and shy Malleefowl, the world’s southernmost megapode, and often an array of spring-blooming terrestrial orchids. Tasmania holds many more avian treasures from the flightless and endemic Tasmanian Native-hen to the dazzling Pink Robin. 

This tour if offered every other year and can be taken in conjunction with our Australia: Queensland and New South Wales tour.

Tour Team
Itinerary (Click to see more)
Tour Information (Click to see more)
Bird Lists (Click to see more)
Map (Click to see more)
Narrative (Click to see more)
Testimonials (Click to see more)
Tour Notes

 *If participating in both Australia tours in 2026 or 2028, the flight between Melbourne and Sydney (which connects this tour to the Queensland and NSW tour) is not included in either price. It will be booked by the WINGS office and added to your invoice. 

Single rooms or rooms with en suite facilities may not be available in some places. See Tour Information for details. 

This tour is limited to eight participants with one leader.

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